Do Policies Work

Do Policies Work

Evaluating the Impacts of SME and entrepreneurship policies   WHAT’S THE ISSUE?  Is SME and entrepreneurship policy having its intended effects? Do the benefits of specific programmes justify their costs? Could these benefits be achieved more cost-effectively...



A Guide to WomenPreneurs How to Get the Funds You Need as a WomenPreneur There are many ways for womenpreneurs to get a jump on funds to start or grow their businesses. Funding options include traditional bank loans, venture capital, angel investors, and more! Finding...



E-sports part of ICSB Academy E-sports are a revolutionary industry that continues to grow in popularity worldwide, and they provide an exciting platform for teaching entrepreneurship. Over the last few years, the rapid growth of e-sports has been fueled by increased...

Message from ICSB President

Message from ICSB President

Message from Dr. Ayman ElTarabishy Dear ICSB Family,   We would like first to wish you all a Happy Holiday Season! We hope this time of year has gifted you and your family the time to rest, reflect, and recharge after this year’s challenges and uncertainties. As...

ICSB Top Ten Trends for 2023

ICSB Top Ten Trends for 2023

The Top Ten Trends for 2023 Dr. Ayman ElTarabishy, President & CEO, International Council for Small Business Excellence, Deputy Chair, Department of Management at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB).   The dawn of 2023 finds the world in new...

Research Excellence that Matters

Research Excellence that Matters

Research Excellence that Matters Dr. Ayman ElTarabishy, President & CEO, International Council for Small Business Excellence, Deputy Chair, Department of Management at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB).  And  Dr. Herman Aguinis is the...

Humane Entrepreneurship

Humane Entrepreneurship

Humane Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses Consumers are starting to recognize the value of being able to expend their resources while concurrently awakening to the troubles that small businesses globally face. As for businesses, many have also reflected on their...

9th Georges Doriot Days – Entrepreneurship and Society

9th Georges Doriot Days – Entrepreneurship and Society

July 5-7, 2023 at UQAM’s School of Management campus in downtown Montreal   The Georges Doriot Days : Why?Every two years, the Georges Doriot Days are an opportunity to put three strong principles into practice:– Practical intelligence: entrepreneurship is a...

9th Georges Doriot Days – Entrepreneurship and Society

9th Georges Doriot Days – Entrepreneurship and Society

9th Georges Doriot Days - “Gender perspectives in entrepreneurship : Sharing views about societal challenges” July 5-7, 2023 at UQAM’s School of Management campus in downtown Montreal   The Georges Doriot Days : Why?Every two years, the Georges Doriot Days are an...

Digital Reality

Digital Reality

If you ask the average entrepreneur what lessons or skills they have learned and developed over the past year, one answer comes up again: ZOOM (a.k.a. flexibility.) There is no flexibility in the modern business world without a digital presence. The tools exist for...


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